Biblical Counseling

If you are concerned that you are experiencing ministry burnout or disillusionment, we are here to help! After suffering a life-changing season of ministry burnout beginning in 1986, Carolyn is uniquely positioned as a medical professional and Biblical Counselor to diagnose and come along-side to help you understand how your reformation will unfold. 

Current and trending treatments for ministry burnout focus on relieving symptoms by adjusting your work-life balance. Two Trees Ministries counseling focuses on how the Holy Spirit is using your symptoms to expose the beliefs, heart motives and faulty foundations that have caused you to make the choices that have brought you to this painful crossroads. 

If you are outside the immediate area of the central coast of California, video appointments using Facetime and WhatsApp are available with Carolyn Cote. Carolyn is the founder of Two Trees Ministries, along with her husband of over 40 years, Tim Cote. 

Counseling consists of 3 to 6 one-hour sessions at $45 each. 

Carolyn O. Cote is a Registered Medical Assistant with three Biblical Counseling Certificates from the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC), the International Association of Biblical Counselors (IABC), and Calvary Chapel University. Carolyn has also authored two books, Two Trees Revealed, How Our Knowledge of Good and Evil Keeps Us from Life Through Christ and Assenting to the Eternal, Kingdom Exchanges Revealed.  

Call anytime to schedule an appointment at 800-550-3976

Do you ever have these thoughts?
No one works as hard as I do.
If I do good for God, I will get good from God.
It’s up to us Christians to change the culture.
I just need to try harder.
God expects me to use my talents.
I deserve this _____ because I work so hard for God.
Prayer is for those who aren’t willing to work hard and do what is necessary.
I built this.
I deserve more appreciation for all that I do. 

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