Christian Burnout Resources

John Wright Follette
“It is much easier to do something for God than to become something for God.” John Wright Follette
Follette distinguished himself from the average Pentecostal of the 20th Century by calling out those who sought the manifestations (signs and wonders) of the Holy Spirit for their own purposes. Though he was at times labelled as anti-Pentecostal, he was undeterred in his exhortations against inauthentic, flesh-driven expressions of the Holy Spirit. He grieved as he witnessed many of the Pentecostal leaders of his day separate themselves and label their “unbaptized” Christian brethren as substandard Christians. The natural tragedy of this failure of agape was that many decades later, the person of Holy Spirit has been labelled an unnecessary trouble maker.
The 21st century finds Christians experiencing a serious dilemma. They know they lack guidance, power and discernment yet they are reticent and fearful to seek the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. The Enemy’s subtle cunning has made their natural fear of the baptism of fire, the fire that purifies us as living sacrifices is dismissed as righteous fear: fear of becoming one of those crazy “holy-rollers.” In this, the Enemy has had his way by disabling the power of the Body of Christ in this present realm.

John Wright Follette’s Broken Bread
First published in 1957, Broken Bread is a compilation of written as well as transcribed verbal messages by Follette. Each reading is like a cold drink of water to every worn-out Christian. Follette has a gift in communicating deep truths with child-like simplicity.
Follette distinguished himself from the average Pentecostal of the 20th Century by calling out those who sought the manifestations of the Holy Spirit for their own purposes. Though he was at times labelled as anti-Pentecostal, his exhortations were only against the inauthentic flesh-driven expressions that others embraced. As relevant as ever, Follette blazes that narrow trail through his legacy of written and recorded messages by standing firm on the Gospel of the Kingdom of God as manifested by abiding in Jesus.

John Wright Follette’s Golden Grain
First published in 1985, Golden Grain is a compilation of Follette’s eighty years of insights into what God is building into His church. Each of the 48 readings covers vital doctrines such as “Testing and Proving,” “Redemption,” “Choices and Decisions,” with fresh, life-giving insight.

Carolyn Cote’s Two Trees Revealed
Two Trees Revealed exposes in stunning clarity what drives us. Each and every day, we choose to do things based on which has the final say in our lives: life or death. Just as Adam and Eve had a choice between the Tree of Life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, so we too make that choice. Will we be a slave to our knowledge of good and evil or will we serve Christ?

Carolyn Cote’s Assenting To The Eternal
Born out of a family tragedy, Assenting to the Eternal describes the Kingdom exchanges offered to all those who follow Christ. No matter what loss you are facing: poverty, aloneness, failure, rejection, betrayal, confusion and uncertainty, sickness, disease or disability, or spiritual lack, there is an exchange available. This exchange is made when you agree to receive the eternal gift offered through each and every loss. You may not get what you think you want but you will become more like Christ and naturally bear fruits of His Spirit.

John Macneil’s The Spirit-filled Life
“The one thing needful for the church of Christ in our day, and for every member of it, is to be filled with the spirit of Christ. Christianity is nothing except as it is a ministration of the Spirit. Preaching is nothing, except as it is a demonstration of the Spirit. Holiness is nothing except as it is the fruit of the Spirit. These truths are so little taught or emphasized as they should be, and the blessings they speak of are so little experienced that one gladly welcomes every voice that draws attention to them. It is as all believers who know or seek this blessing begin to pray as intensely for each other and all their brethren, as for themselves, that the power of the Spirit will be fully known. With the prayer that this Spirit-filled book may be greatly blessed of God, I commend it to the study of His children.” John MacNeil

Carolyn Cote’s Biblical Counseling Notebook For Counselees
Specifically designed to meet the needs of the counselee during a season of counseling, this ten session notebook includes space for session date, notes, Bible verses taught and how the counselee was “taught, reproved, corrected and trained in righteousness.” There is also space to record the homework assignment as well as space to complete that homework.